Photos of Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow

• Access Photos of MICHAEL DOWD

• Access Photos of CONNIE BARLOW

• Access Photos of DOWD and of BARLOW prior to 2015

Photos of Michael Dowd 2019



Photos of Michael Dowd 2018
St. Paul's United Methodist Church, Houston TX

Earlier Photos of Michael Dowd

ABOVE: at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Freeland, WA • 2016

ABOVE: Three stills drawn from the 4-minute CLIMATE ACTION VIDEO, 2015:
ASK PHILANTHROPISTS: Climate Breakthrough Now! - #2


ABOVE and BELOW: Michael Dowd at Prospect UCC Church, Seattle, December 2016.


LEFT: at Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church, Salt Lake City, 2015
RIGHT: at Woodinville Unitarian Universalist Church, Washington 2016

ABOVE: at Tahoma Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Tacoma WA, 2016

LEFT: 2018 UU Sarasota FL. RIGHT: 2018 First Church (UCC) Sheboygan, WI.





Photos of Connie Barlow


ABOVE: Connie Barlow is video editor of the series hosted by Michael Dowd, but occasionally she also co-hosts the Zoom calls. Here she is cohosting the conversation with the Canadian ecologist Bill Rees.


4 PHOTOS: Connie at People's Church (UU), Ludington MI, August 2018. Upper left is delivering "A Story for All Ages"
(on life stages of Monarch Butterflies); remaining 3 are guest sermon: "Grief and Gratitude in a Time of Climate Change."



ABOVE: Left = planting Torreya seeds in Ohio. Right = Mature redwood tree along Puget Sound, WA.



August 2017, Humboldt County, California


ABOVE: Connie raised 16 monarch butterflies from caterpillars in Ludington, Michigan, summer of 2018.


ABOVE LEFT: November 2017, showing the height of a newly germinated Florida Torreya, whose seed was planted directly
into the forest soil at the home of a Torreya Guardian volunteer in southwest Ohio.

ABOVE RIGHT: at Dawes Arboretum, central Ohio, checking the height of a Florida Torreya donated by Torreya Guardian Lee Barnes.


ABOVE LEFT: November 2018 site visit to a 2008 Torreya Guardians planting of Florida Torreya at the rural home of Russ Regnery, near Franklin NC.

ABOVE RIGHT: November 2018 site visit to a mature Torreya grove in Louisiana, planted in 1950 by Caroline Dormon. Pause alongside an ancient Longleaf Pine on the grounds.


ABOVE LEFT: 2017 Redwood, Humboldt County CA. RIGHT: 2017 Ponderosa Pine OR

2017 Cripple Creek area of Colorado


• Access Photos of Dowd and of Barlow prior to 2015