• Return to the Main page of recent Dowd and Barlow photos.
For other photos of Michael Dowd (including higher resolutions),
also see HERE and HERE.
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The next 8 photos are courtesy of David Sunfellow Photography,
who photographed Michael at the Public Library of Sedona, AZ, 2008.
The next 11 photos are of Dowd presenting "Evolution and the Global Integrity Crisis"
at the United Nations Values Caucus, New York City, April 2009. (Click on image for high res.)
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Michael Dowd preaching on an evolutionary understanding of original sin at North America's first evolutionary revival in San Diego, February 2008. An evolutionary understanding of original sin can be found in chapters 8 - 11 of his book, Thank God for Evolution!. The projected slide behind him in the photo presents playful names for the parts of our brain that reflect a deep evolutionary heritage: "Lizard Legacy" (brain stem and cerebellum); "Furry Li'l Mammal" (limbic system); "Monkey Mind" (neocortex); and "Higher Porpoise" (frontal lobes).
Two photos of Connie Barlow above courtesy of Jane Steig Parsons, Prints Charming Photography of Austin
Click for pictures of Rev. Michael Dowd in his CLERICAL ATTIRE.